In an effort to make particular events more identifiable, you'll notice emojis have been placed before the date of such events...
Below you'll find a simple key explaining each emoji.Β These will change as needed.
🚨::::[ALARM] - denotes a CHICAGO CLUB SCENE:::: recommended event
🚩::::[RED FLAG] - event has Sold Out.Β Limited tickets may still be available at the door, or from resellers
🛑::::[STOP SIGN] - event is CANCELED or rescheduled
☀️::::[SUN] - denotes event starts during the Daytime
🌳::::[TREE] - denotes event is outside
🏖::::[BEACH] - denotes event is at the beach
💫::::[STAR] - event includes current "Artist Spotlight" DJ on line-up
🎂::::[CAKE] - event celebrates a birthday or anniversary
🗣::::[CHAT] - event is a speaking/community event
🎡::::[FERRIS WHEEL] - event is a festival/block party
🍀::::[CLOVER] - denotes event is ST. Patrick's Day related
🍻::::[CHEERS] - denotes event is on ST. Patrick's Day
Also, under the "This Week in Chicago" forum, an emoji will switch to the sub-forum that features the current day's events. Currenty this is a [MOON] emoji. 🌝